SAP PI Tables 또는 SAP XI 테이블에는 SAP Process Integration에서 고려해야 할 가장 중요한 테이블입니다.
SAP PI (ABAP) schema Tables
- ABAP Stack의 SAP PI Message Table 입니다.
- SAP PI 테이블은 일반적으로 SX* 또는 SW*로 시작한합니다.
SAP PI ABAP 스키마 데이터베이스 트랜잭션 코드의 기본 목록은 다음과 같습니다.
Table Name | Info |
SXMSPMASTXI | Messages – Master |
SXMSPHIST | XI Messages – Master History table |
SXMSPEMAS | Integration Engine: Enhanced Message Queue (Master) |
SXMSPFADDRESS | Addresses Master |
SXMSPVERS | Integration Engine: Message Version |
SXMSPERROR | XML Message Broker: Message Queue (Incorrect Entries) |
SXMSCLUP | Cluster – Compressed Message Payload Property |
SXMSCLUR | Cluster – Compressed Message Payload Resource (attachments) |
SAP PI Mapping 관련 Table
“In a message mapping, you assign a source and a target message type (according to the source and target operation of the operation mapping the message mapping is assigned to).
Using a graphical editor, you can define the mapping between the source and target message type.”
SAP PI의 주요 Message Mapping 관련 테이블의 목록은 다음과 같습니다.
Table Name | Info |
SMPPMAP3 | Mapping Runtime: Mapping |
SMPPREL3 | Mapping Runtime: Mapping Relation |
SMPPSPLIT | XI Mapping: Merge and Split |
SAP PI Performance를 위한 Table
- SAP PI 성능을 모니터링하기 위해 모든 통합 엔진 헤더 및 데이터는 ABAP Stack의 아래와 같은 PI Table에 저장됩니다.
Table Name | Info |
SXMSPFRAWH | Integration Engine – Header Table for Raw Data for Performance Evaluation |
SXMSPFRAWD | Integration Engine: Data Table for Raw Data for Performance |
SAP PI : ccBPM / BPE tables
- ccBPM은 Cross-Component Business Process Management의 약자입니다.
“Cross-component Business Process Management (ccBPM) contains functions for enhanced service orchestration that are based on integration processes.
An integration process is composed of a specific flow of steps – including the sending and receiving of messages – during which the status of the process is persisted on the Integration Server.”
- BPE는 Business Process Engine의 약자입니다.
“The Business Process Engine (BPE) processes integration processes at runtime. Since the BPE uses functions of the Workflow Engine and generates workflows from integration processes at runtime, you must customize the Workflow Engine automatically by using transaction SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING before you can use the BPE.”
SAP Process Integration의 ccBPM 및 BPE에 대한 기본 테이블 목록입니다.
Table Name | Info |
SWFRXIHDRXI | Adapter: Header Data for a Message Object |
SWFRXICNT | XI Adapter: XML Container for a Message Object |
SWFRXIPRC | XI-Adapter: Process-Dependent Message Data |
SAP PI 용 IDoc Table
- SAP PI의 모든 IDoc 어댑터 승인은 다음 테이블에서 관리됩니다.
Table Name | Info |
IDXNOALE | suppress IDoc Adapter acknowledgments |
- SAP PI의 Idoc Adapter Acknowledgment에 대한 정보입니다.
1) Configuring Acknowledgments for a Receiver IDoc Adapter (AAE)
2) Configuring Acknowledgments for a Sender IDoc Adapter (AAE)
SAP PI Alert Framework Tables
- SAP PI의 Alert Framework 사용하는 테이블 목록입니다.
Table Name | Info |
SXMSALERTRULES | XI alerts rules |
SAP NetWeaver PI / PO에 대한 추가 자료
- SAP Process Integration: 이전 버전은 XI로 불리웠고, 그 이후 버전은 Process Orchestration의 약자인 PO로 불리고 있다.
SAP Process Orchestration: The Comprehensive Guide (First Edition) (SAP PRESS)
Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP NetWeaver PI
Practical Guide to SAP NetWeaver PI - Development (English) 2번째 에디션
SAP XI 테이블 목록
SAP PI Tables (Process Integration Tables) - SAP XI Tables
SAP PI Tables or SAP XI tables: The most important tables in SAP Process Integration. It contains the list of PI Administration Tables, Monitoring, Mapping
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