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    [Database] Sybase Version Check

    Sybase의 Version을 확인하는 방법입니다. Sybase DB 접속해서 확인하는 방법(Query Commend) 1) System의 절차를 사용하여 Sybase 버전에 대한 정보를 얻는 방법 > sp_version > go 2) 명령문을 활용하여 Sybase 버전을 가져오는 방법 > select @@version > go OS Level 에서 확인하는 방법 1) UNIX dataserver -v 2) Windows / Linux isql -v 참고: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12106570/how-do-i-find-out-what-version-of-sybase-is-running How do I find out what version of Sybase is..

    [Database] mssql documentation

    https://docs.microsoft.com/ko-kr/sql/t-sql/functions/dbts-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15 DBTS(Transact-SQL) - SQL Server @@DBTS(Transact-SQL) docs.microsoft.com

    [SAP EAI] SAP Documentation for PI 7.3.16(nw73)

    https://help.sap.com/doc/saphelp_nw73/7.3.16/en-US/44/6830e67f2a6d12e10000000a1553f6/frameset.htm https://help.sap.com/doc/saphelp_nw73/7.3.16/en-US/44/6830e67f2a6d12e10000000a1553f6/frameset.htm help.sap.com

    [영어] 영단어 외우기 - 채용

    resume : n 이력서 opening : n 공석, 결원; 개장, 개시(= vacancy :공석, 결원) applicant : n 지원자, 신청자 requirement : n 필요조건, 요건 meet : v (필요,요구 등을) 만족시키다 qualified : adj 자격 있는, 적격의 candidate : n 후보자, 지원자 confidence : n 확신, 자신; 신임 highly : adv 매우, 대단히 professional : adj 전문적인, 직업의 / n 전문가 1. resume : n 이력서 Fax your resume and cover letter to the above number. 위 번호로 이력서와 자기소개서를 팩스로 보내주세요. 2. opening : n 공석, 결원; 개장, 개..

    [SAP EAI] FTP Error - 550 Unexpected reply codeCreate directory operation failed.'. For details, contact your FTP server vendor.

    Error Message An error occurred while connecting to the FTP server 'HOST:PORT'. The FTP server returned the following error message: 'com.sap.aii.adapter.file.ftp.FTPEx: 550 Unexpected reply codeCreate directory operation failed.'. For details, contact your FTP server vendor. Cause of error There is no connection to the directory. 해당 디렉토리에 대한 접속이 되어지지 않음. Solutions 1. Grant access to the directo..

    [SAP EAI] characters meaning of instance DVEBMGS00

    D = Dialog V = Update E = Enqueue B = Background M = Message server G = Gateway S = Spool 참고: https://answers.sap.com/questions/145887/characters-meaning-of-instance-dvebmgs00.html characters meaning of instance DVEBMGS00 | SAP Community Dear all, As I know, about meaning of instance file name DVEBMGS00. D is 'Dialog', E is 'Equeque', B is 'Backgroud', S is 'Spool'. But what are meaning of other..